Sample from my Study Abroad Essay
Whether you are traveling for a few days, weeks, or months, it will be the busiest and most active time of your life. Unless you paid thousands of dollars just to relax, than by all means, just sit there. I studied abroad to experience new spaces, buildings, meet new people, and gain a greater understanding of cultural differences. With today’s technology, it is easier than ever to work with someone in another state or even another country. Knowing how people in different cultures express themselves, hold conversations, and work together as groups is an important part of our future. While I had an amazing time overall, it was not always easy. It was difficult not knowing the languages fluently while trying to communicate. If I cannot even express my feelings in English, how can I speak several different languages in the course of a month? This is a great example of how everyone feels when they are in an unfamiliar setting. Having team members who are kind, supportive, and willing to help in those situations is vital. I knew it was not going to be easy, but I accepted the challenge and grew tremendously from the experience. I can navigate and hold a conversation in a foreign place. I visited many places I had never had the opportunity to visit before. While I hope to one day be able to return to these places, I know I will still be satisfied with my adventures if I cannot return. Because of my study abroad experience, I can help make the world a better place, especially in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry with my future career.

Basílica de la Sagrada Família

Basílica de la Sagrada Família | Right before I cried

Louis Vuitton Foundation

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

Musée d'Orsay

St. Paul's Cathedral | Secret ceiling mock up

The British Museum

The Magazine by Zaha Hadid

Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève | I cried in this building too